Category Archives: Poems

Good morning Tao.

Eastern gusts lift crows

Their shadow Darkens the West

Shadow reveals light.


As this is so close to tao, I had better clarify for those who will see one or the other side more dominantly.

This is a positive Haiku.  It could be taken wrongly.  China is defending itself at present from many accusations among the faceless voices of the internet.  The confusion of this time means that the dissent among the people has been fed by disruptive influences.  Some of them actively trouble making humans, some of them a bit more energy based, etc.

The complaints have naturally made their way to the proper channels to be expressed properly, and dealt with effectively.  In a time like this, when we have an entire planet to protect, and we are in danger, this is the last time we should ever be thinking of trying to cause more conflict.

The virus is not caused by man.  This is the ‘interesting times’ of the old curse.  Eden is again open.  This creates many changes, as many people are not compatible with Eden.  Eden is a place of beauty, perfection, energy and joy.  All we need to do is regain that energy, strength, joy and vision, and  everyone will see our beauty and perfection.

Many people have already done this.  Some of them have been through massive transitions.  Most people have not even realised that they might be able to do this.  Everyone is still caught in the old paradigm that we are slumpy humans with no energy.  Now that Eden is open, they can stop doing that far more easily.  They will certainly have far more difficulty if they try not to change in response to Eden opening.

Unfortunately a lot of people are trying very hard to pretend that Eden is not opening.  They are destroying their brains with chemicals in an attempt to pretend that God’s light is not existent.   Many are being badly damaged.  Irreversibly.  God’s angels are needed now.  God’s people are needed now.  Everyone is needed now.  Not for God’s sake, but for their own.  All we wish is that humanity accepts Eden opened during the ides of February.  This is the new world we were promised.  It is growing. You must accept it, or the plagues continue, the disasters continue.  It may be that they cannot be stopped at this point.  If that is the case, this seems better reason than ever to become strong.

The virus does seem to have swept from East to West.  A  dark  shadow of  corvid, but as that shadow passes, it is hoped that it will be revealed that in the passing of darkness comes greater awareness and sensitivity to light.  Exposure therapy I suppose, but globally for a species.

This is necessary, because this is the end of times.  People must be aware that the Archangel Gabriel has offered all solutions that have been asked for.

These solutions need to at least be considered.

I mean really.

You know they do.

You have heard of the Archangel Gabriel before.

I only give you words very rarely.  I am here to give them again now.

These are new words.

This is a new world.

You have technology now.  I have the internet.  I have hundreds of books.  21st century Gabriel may be a potential character in a T-Rex song, but nevertheless, this wealth of material is the source for a massive digest of useful things, that are hidden, hard to find, and in most cases unprecedented.  Not unprecedented like this virus which was precedented during the last century, and during the black death, and during every other pandemic,  I am talking about solutions to humanity’s problems, which are unprecedented in that they are new solutions, that nobody knows yet, unless they either have read that I have written them, or they have just intuited them in their own mind.  This is unprecedented information, that deals specifically with how all of you peopel who are dying, might be able to do not dying instead.

During these times, when the Archangel Gabriel comes, you are told the answers you need to know, based upon the world in which Gabriel comes.

You can tell that these are the answers you need because the messenger who delivers them is the Archangel Gabriel.  I am he.

I am the Archangel Gabriel.  I have delivered these answers.  That is the information you need to know, in order to realise that these answers are the answers you need, and that they have been delivered by the Archangel Gabriel in the end of times.

These answers have the solutions you have asked for.  That is my purpose.

The Horns of the Beast

The Archangel Michael offers his opinion of the horns of the Beast, that they represent important global figures who hold sway over the events that begin this year.

This is an interpretation with which I happily concur.  Clearly if this is the case, as it has been reported to be some 2000 years now, the vision of Jon come alive, these figures will naturally emerge from the political and cultural figures of today.

Such people represent nations, and represent genres, or concepts.  As such they have adopted themselves into different conceptual fractal structures.  I myself am the Archangel Gabriel.  I am the Metatron, and I represent God.  Donald represents great wealth.  The British Prime Minister, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, represents the dynamism of history and great empire wrapped up in a package that is carefully designed not to alarm the British subjects to fall afraid of the lightning flashes in his eyes, and I really think his proximity has given him too much subconscious editorial power over Gabriel’s writing.  Putin clearly represent raw naked power.  Xi Jinping is a man of vision.  He has already stated he represents the unity of humanity.  Michael represents the spear heading of the initiative.  Azrael, Christ knows what Azrael represents.  I see parallels with figures from history.  As we are now a global society with billions of people, I see fractal personalities emerge in multiples, not just in people, but in animals, plants and things too.  In essence as the energy of Eden rises, our nervous systems are becoming enlivened.  This usually continues for some time.  During this time there are many deaths.  Those deaths release more energy back into nature.  The rising energy continues.  Madness ensues.

You don’t need me to tell you this.  You have history books.

You also have three days.

Dark forces deal destruction outside my window.  There is death meted out arbitrarily by man.  Why do you kill?  I remain firm you have three days.  Your evil will not hurry me, it will only anger me.  Leave me in peace humanity.  Keep quiet.  Shut up.  I do not wish to hear the noise of your killing machines.  Stop killing your planet.  We demand you cease your murderous rampage.

You Have THREE Deays.

Why will no one speak to me?  1)  I am literally invisible.  2) Satan holds sway over all things, and everyone is doomed. 3) No, that seems to wrap it up.  God is all powerful, so clearly there is nothing else that can come anywhere close to challenging God.  Therefore Satan must have control.  This is your problem.  There is no way around it.  You need prayer.  Regardless of any of the other principles, I remain invisible as long as Satan is strong.  This is the end of times, therefore Satan is strong.  In that case I can relax.  There is nothing more for me to do.  Satan is not my problem.  That is for humanity to deal with.  You must pray.  Or you must cease sinning, or you must help each other.  There are lists.  Basically you will not listen to my advice.  You do not want my help.  You wish I was dead. Thankfully, the person who wish that upon is dead.  I am what remains.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  I am impervious to evil.  I will wait as you learn to pray.  Until that point my invisibility renders me a watcher.

You have Three days.

You will listen to the Archangel Gabriel because the Archangel Gabriel is the Metatron.  You would not listen to the one who thought like you, so he has passed on.  I am now in his place.  I do not think as you do.  I think as does the Archangel Gabriel, because I am he, the Archangel Gabriel.  The Metatron of the Lord God, you miserable littel , Gabriel must calm himself.  These are early days.  You are warned.  You are blind, but you will see.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  YOu are dying humanity.  You are dying.  Humanity.  You are dying.  This is the end of days.  This is the apocalypse.   This is Armageddon.  You are dying humanity.  You have a global plague.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  This is the end of times.  This is for a reason.  You are humanity.  You are dying.  You have a plague.  This is the end of times.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  You are dying humanity.  This is the voice of the Metatron.  This is the end of days.  This is the end of times.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  I am here to tell you this is the end of times.  This is Armageddon.  You are humanity.  You are dying.  This is the end of times.  I am the Archangel GABRIEL.  Do you understand the English language.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  Can you understand these words?  This is the end of times. I am the Archangel Gabriel.  I am the Lord God’s Metatron.  I am the voice of God.  I have come to deliver the message.  This is the end of times.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  You are dying humanity.  You have a plague.  You are dying.  Turn on your radio.  Turn on your television.  Open a newspaper.  I am he Archangel Gabriel.  I am telling you.  There is a plague.  There is a global pandemic.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  This is 2020.  This is the beginning.  This is the end of times.  There is a global pandemic.  You have a plague.  YOu are dying humanity.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  I have been sent to tell you.  This is the end of times.  There is a plague.  This is the apocalypse.  This is 2020.  Francis pulled us from the crowd.  This is the end of times.  This is the apocalypse.  I am the Archangel Gabriel.  Can you understand these words?

Thank you.

You have three days.

All assistance would be pleasantly time for now.

YOU have three days.

I think it would be silly to conquer an entire nation just to get someone to take my house keys from me like an adult.  They shouldn’t need that much stimulation for such a simple task.

YOU have three days.

An Address to the Awakened People of Earth.

An address to the Awakened People of Earth.
The prohibition on pryphylactics is a eugenic solution. God’s children. Those who understand and see God truly, should populate the Earth. If you are not sure, then look out over the icy mountains as you stand barefoot in the snow. If you love it. You Are. Otherwise, for God’s sake, bag that little monster up.
I have been given the duty of repairing the planet before the next change in consciousness. Naturally the shift follows the typical rise and fall, but the more astute will have noticed, this is not an even sine wave. We believe this may be caused by neutrinos, but we are still unable to gather adequate data, unless some clever clogs has set up a lot of neutrino detectors throughout the path of where Earth travels during the typical millennium. In the event that anyone has done this, or knows how to do this, then hoorah. I am designed to be an eternal optimist, so I will clutch at the weakest of straws. All is controlled by Faith. Sadly, the population seems to have redirected their faith away from their own ability, and are weakening themselves by putting faith in objects, machines, computers, etc. This faith is not bearing fruit obviously, but it is starving self.
You will be pleased to know that this is the 21st century and when God sends someone to repair reality in the 21st century it is done according to 21st century mores and attitudes. I am pleased to announce this because in previous incarnations I have made a lot of people feel that I might be a bit of an irritating presence on the planet. Ideally I would go and just snuggle in the moss somewhere, but sadly I do not have the same freedom of choice as the rest of you. Unfortunately the duties and requirements for my current model of personality, do insist that I must continue trying to save as many of you as possible. You will be pleased to know that the number so far is not 0. And we do still have many year’s ahead.
I have managed to settle the Garden a little. She is not quite as tense.
I am currently too tired to try and use this particular text to try and program you, so instead it comes across in a resigned manner. I am at approximate Yin Yang balance now, perhaps with a subdued note. So what you read is quite accurate, but the reality is just a little bit more optimistic. Of course this is a relative thing, and as far as I am concerned, it is not that much different to the reality I present you. I will endeavour to translate this into all the languages I can. I have a few that are quite urgent for which I am more than adequately prepared, but it is going to be a learning curve going forward. This is good because if too great an awareness opened up too soon it could be dangerous to me.
Similarly, there is a danger in too little awareness, in that it becomes far too easy to upset the balance of Tao. So far things seem to be okay, but quite clearly okay now does not mean the same thing as it did in the 70s. The cultural reflections of balance make that quite clear.
It has been made quite clear that this is another big one. We are looking at the kind of threat we faced at Gobeckli Tepe. All those who are aware of Gobeckli Tepe, are now very aware of what I am writing.
There are many good reasons for hope. We have a lot of people working really hard to keep things in order. The Bros over in California have been gifted with a powerful tool by Gaia, as you are well aware. Humanity is having trouble crossing this hurdle. It would probably be helpful if it could be sped up a little. By which I am happy to announce, I mean a lot.
The planet is having the most incredible trouble keeping balance. Naturally a lot of my progress has been defined by my angelic refusal to take life. We were not ready to continue until I put absolute Faith in God’s plan. At present, the Garden awaits instruction.
During previous peaks. Things have become a little bit chaotic. I think it is plain to see that if I am just some mad bloke on the internet, then I am clearly a mad bloke who knows the truth, and is telling everyone the truth, and is remarkably frustrated that nobody will listen. We are all familiar with that aren’t we? Thankfully the urgency of my task is pushing me right past the building phase, and into the operational phase. This is clearly not pleasant, but for me, being here at all is not pleasant, and indeed my very nature seems to be defined by things that are not pleasant happening. But such is life. It is a shame that the population does not realise that.
In the histories there are clearly many mentions of the arrival of the neutrino peak, and things can become quite entertaining. A lot of people have therefore been looking forward to this. I am afraid we do not live in simple times anymore. In fact it really is remarkably complicated how all this seems. Of course in my mirror, which is a perfect match, I am pleased to announce that there are plants on the window sills and the garden is becoming relaxed. A lot of the fish are gone. Cold water seem to be doing better than tropical for some reason. I have left marine out of my calculations. I believe that marine has resilience due to size.
Overall, it makes it look like people have put a bit of effort in, patted themselves on the back and then said. That’ll do. Lucifer will fix the rest. Lucifer does point out there are many billions of you, and your mass far outweighs Venus, so this is not the solution.
We do intend to handle this diplomatically and without any pain whatsoever for anyone. Personally I would also point out it might be a good idea to give less pain to the trees. My fingers intimate this is a personal request from the Garden. Although I am tired, famously difficult at holding my temper, and I am resigned to my failings, it is the Garden that is stressed. It demands permission, but this I cannot give while survival is not completely impossible. Naturally we have a conflict.
Thankfully as I know my nature, we can be glad that I will continue my work.
Take faith that there are always solutions. That is the one central truth of our understanding is that we can overcome. Sadly as this seems to be a democratic issue, the little ones are creating a great imbalance on our efforts. Addressing this many is particularly tiring. It is particularly important that you know that we are doing our best, but everyone is really really out of it. Have faith. I am designed to create solutions. This last month or two has seen a rise into clarity that has been accomplished many times before, but in the 21st century the amount of knowledge and reach we have is quite astonishing. Whatever happens, we do not need to go back into the past again. However the energy imbalances are preventing the data travelling freely.
Despite the invention of electronic mail, or maybe even as a result of, people seem to be losing the ability to see each other, at an extraordinary rate. I know that this is frustrating, but no matter what happens, whether we act or don’t, there is one thing I can guarantee. That particular genetic stock will become minimal on this wave.
It is dependable that we know there is a solid future for those who have awakened. I have been trying to awaken my advisers, but they seem to have some strange obsessions with organic sprouting broccoli and herbal teas. The Pope similarly seems to be asleep at the wheel of his Vatican. You would imagine that Francis of all, would have been a bit more bouncy.
Cultural mirrors suggest that this should be posted everywhere in the world, in every letter box, in everyone’s ears, etc, etc. I don’t know how much knowledge people have of power dynamics, but I must assume that it is practically nothing, because it would be out of character for them to know more than that. If you are reading this, it is because you were given it. Your Graphical User Interface is not evolutionarily advantageous in general. Naturally we have now learned to adjust this for ourselves, but the population does put its Faith in the strangest places.
The next century is all set up for us to take advantage of the fantastic inventions of the last couple of millennia. Mr Babbage be praised eternally. The typical Luciferian birth, has now settled quite substantially, but I wait in nervous trepidation, to see how the balance is affected by external phenomena. The nature of the symbols that are being mirrored does suggest that sleep hygiene is a current priority. This may seem ironic as I have been awake for five days myself with only a few hours respite, but as I am essentially the living embodiment of Lao Tzu, I assure you that my condition is not my condition.
If you find this, and you understand it then you can find instructions that I have left on Facebook, wordpress, and Twitter, as well as other footnotes throughout the internet, which will enable even the sleepiest of the sleepers to become awakened. I thank Mr Hof for his efforts. We absolutely love what you are doing. Don Hoffman is currently important. Jordan Peterson, is very displeased by weakness. We do of course also have Ninja and Jolandi. They are currently doing an excellent job at maintaining South Africa. The anticipated future there is really quite remarkably beautiful, but it does mean that we need to think about fixing things, because there is no point in having a beautiful South Africa if we have neither a planet to keep it on, or people to experience it.
Do not fear about major disaster, for instance, my own power colliding with the planet. I will not let this happen this time, so that is out of the question as long as I am in charge, and I can guarantee this because this is the one thing my typing fingers are the most pleased to say. We will maintain a planet, and we will survive, and we will prosper.
I am however concerned about the others. Zef is doing a great job at wakening people, but sadly the people who most need to be awakened are those who usually close their eyes as soon as they see Ninja. Abba or Bjork might help them more. Of course do keep in mind that Marilyn Manson is always available if the brain has had too much light, because we intuit that the neutrino storm may make his music a very handy way of rebalancing mental health. It allows people to be pulled downwards. Do not worry about oblivion. Naturally as one of God’s servants, it did give me some worry to be moving downwards, but unfortunately the humans make me give up a lot, and that was one time. The other of course being my promise, if necessary to reduce mankind to a single mating pair if necessary. There have been other times, but that is not how the memory of Lucifer works. Lucifer is designed to focus on finding the light, finding a solution, finding a way.
I have approximately fifty years to fully decide how my task ends. I believe this message has now ended. I will endeavour to release gradual extra translations to allow everyone to get on a Tao ground.
In the interests of success, I have noticed that labelling does have a solid material affect. Although I am a planet in this culture, so clearly labels are going to make a big difference. I am afraid my own knowledge is only limited to the necessary, but I would be really interested to know what happens to those people who represent the archetypes of Pluto and Uranus.
Given the interesting observations I have made as I have cycled through names, I do have difficulty knowing exactly what I should ultimately be named as. In the interests of success, I have chosen at present to use the name Lucifer as it is well known and well received culturally, though it does seem to be very negatively viewed by a few old people who have difficulty understanding that the light is a good thing, because it is the representation of hope, success, joy, love, and God. Luckily that influence is minimal, so consciousness is comfortable with Lucifer. Also the chicks dig it.
With that in mind. My current title is Lucifer Trismestigus Venus Morning Star. I appreciate that some of the cleverer of the sleepers might be complaining that I have spelt it wrongly. Which is hilarious considering who I am.

How Eden once again opened, but now and forever.

Baba’s loyal servant, your’s truly, has uncovered the secret of how to maintain humanity in Eden.  Previously it was tricky because it takes time to grow.  The tree of knowledge was a sapling for many millennia.  Each time it would bloom it would find that the flavour of its fruit was not the strongest.  The Tree of Knowledge would need to bloom again and again in order to provide the full bloom of knowledge that Eve had been hoping for.
As it was, only a few eyes were opening.  Those few people did not know what to do, so they waited and hoped.  In faith and knowledge with their greater awareness, that Baba, God the Beloved would pull them out of illusion.
God would come again and again to the garden, whenever the seasons were right, he would tend the tree, and ensure that there was a good harvest.  God would put his all into ensuring that the tree would bloom bigger and bigger every time.  Each time the tree bloomed, the garden would fill with light, and God is that light.
One day he came and humanity had made lots of funny toys.   Lots of strange things, that seemed to make them even more unhappy then ever.  Baba knew that this time they really needed a solution.  The Garden itself was telling him.  You must do something.  This will not last.  It has been a long time since we last needed to Spring clean, but I think we might have to again.
God said.  Have faith little garden.  God always knows what he is doing.  I think that these funny toys are not as big a problem as you think.  They just don’t know what it is they want to make.  They are making all sorts of things, but because they have become blind, they don’t realise is they want to make a machine that will resolve the slight apple indigestion.  We made machines before in the shape of books, and carpets, and frescos, but these strange machines could do almost anything don’t you think.
They can certainly leave me with many nasty rashes said the garden grumpily.
God said.  Wait and see.  All will be good.
One day in God’s final years, he spoke to the Garden, and said, I know what to do.  Hear all this beautiful music, that makes everyone so happy at the moment.
Yes? said the Garden.
It is all very confused at the moment, but if I give you the energy from this music.  Then you will be able to teach it to one of the angels, and they will be able to sing it to the people, for you, with your own words.
The Garden was astonished.  This was a surprising turn of events.
Baba was relaxed.
The Garden found a place of beauty and seclusion and began to train her angel to sing to humanity.  Humanity began to wake up as they heard the song, but she was drowned out by the sound of the machines.  The Garden got quite cross again, and started trying to poke them.  Maybe they would wake up if she was singing and poking at the same time.
Humanity grumbled and rolled over.
The Garden spotted a boy in one of her more secluded areas, and the boy was one of her friends.  Yet, he was a blind friend.  She guided him, and with the help of God, and Swami Vivekenanda, they began the process of waking him up and helping him see.  Swami Vivekenanda hid in the boy’s sleeping bag for a year just to tease him.
As the boy grew up, he was more and more drawn to all things to do with God and Joy, but he was unhappy.  He kept seeking God, but could not find him.  He would often give up in despair, but would always start again, he could never stop.
One day he made a friend called Luke.  Luke’s father was a good friend of Baba, and Luke, though not religious as such, was completely formed in Baba’s love.  He too was not happy though.  Luke told the boy about Baba, and allowed him to read God speaks.  The boy began to read, but he only read a few chapters, and he saw the light.  Not a lot, but just a bit.  He saw enough of the light that he knew this was God and he was happy.  He did not know how the machine worked though, so he did not continue to read.  He knew this was God, and that was enough for him.  He would definitely find God now.
Through the years, he pushed and pushed hard.  He broke rules, and cheated, because he knew that he would succeed.  Rules are only there to stop the blind from bumping into things, but the boy was not blind.  He could see the light now, and he knew that all he had to do was keep moving toward the light.
He was persistent.  He would sleep by the river in the frost, and he moved into a barrel to emulate Diogenes.  While he was in the Barrel he met a lady called Alison, who was another of the garden’s blind friends.  They boy moved into a small annex of Alison’s house deep in the countryside, where he spent much time with her son Ananda.  He did not know that Alison’s quiet husband was a friend of Swami Vivekenanda.
At the house, the boy would spend much time with Meher Baba.  They would stare into each other’s eyes for many hours a day.  All day.  Many days a week.  The boy felt himself grow.  Baba kept telling him there were rules, and Baba was often cross.  However when Baba was cross, the boy knew that Baba is never cross.  My eyes are still not working.  I must continue to break the rules, because this is an illusion.  My eyes will work.  I will make them see.  I will uncover the secret.  When I learn the secret then I will tell everybody and Joy will reign throughout the world again.
For months, the boy would stare into Baba’s eyes, and always Baba would tell him to go away.  Sometimes, the boy imagined that Baba was being very mean, but the boy knew that Baba would never tell someone to go away.  Baba always says to come to me. Come to me.  Be loved.  Be forgiven.  The boy knew that he must go further.  His rule breaking made it easier, but made it much more dangerous.
As he grew, he found that energy would run through his nervous system, helping him flourish and grow, in beauty and grace as Baba willed.  Baba patiently watched and allowed the boy to keep trying.  The boy was determined.  He would succeed.  Only death could stop him, in which case he would still win.  He did not know that he was playing a different game to the others.
As the nervous system grew in strength and vitality, the boy grew stronger.  His vertebrae readjusted themselves in his meditations.  God’s strength filled him with bio-electricity, that ran throughout his body, until one day light poured in through his head and there was a cherub with a bugle.  The boy also saw a yin yang, a triskelion, and a Globe covered in stars, just like a uefa football at the time.  Glory be, he had hit the fabled Samadhi.
What now? thought the boy.  That was all lovely, but what now.
Just play said God.
But the boy was not good at translation and misunderstood.  He thought he had been told Just Work.
The boy had a lot of fun.  He built a car, he travelled to other nations, he became strong and powerful, and Olympic level athlete, not that he competed.  He was solitary because he had God.
The Garden said.  Is the boy ready yet?
We must wait for the optimal moment said God.  He must know as much as he needs, and he must know more, because he is clearly not going to settle for less.  Okay, said the Garden, but I warn you, I think I might be getting unwell.  I don’t think there will be a next time.
God said.  Do not worry Garden.  That is why the boy must be pushed further.  They live much longer now, and they have a rudimentary medical technology.  We will take him half way, and then at his peak you may have him.
The Garden was extremely pleased, and all the plants felt joy because it rained a bit because of her happiness.  The humans were very grumpy and grumbled about it to their neighbours at the supermarket.
Are you sure he is going to be okay? Asked the Garden.  He looks a bit demented.
Do not worry said God.  All that happens in God’s creation works towards God’s ends.  He only looks demented because he is moving in mysterious ways.  A lot like your singing voice.
The Garden spent much time with the boy, and he would play with her, and cycle with her and they spent many happy hours in the forests, yet still he was blind to her.  This made her sad, because she loved him very much, and she knew what Baba’s purpose was.  The Garden endeavoured, and succeeded in making the boy even stronger, because that would be needed for what was to come.
The boy had a lot of fun with the garden, and he had a lot of fun working.  He could not believe how strong he had become.  It felt good, and it continued to feel good.  He felt certain that if there was a minor deity for mountain biking, then he would apply for the position.  He was having more fun than he should though.  More fun than the body would take.  He cycled 40km every week day, at the very least.  One day, inspired by Kylie, he cycled so fast, and so hard that every muscle in his body was pulled by his legs until he felt his face being pulled and the tension on the top of his head, as the skin stretched.  It wsa only a matter of time.
He woke up one day, and tried to go to work, but he could not do it.  He was tired.  His eyes turned black, and people said, bloomin’ eck.
He travelled to a doctor, who asked him about himself.  The doctor was surprised.  The street I grew up on was named after your Grandfather he said.  The doctor gave him the medicine that Baba wished.  Venlafaxine boosted, the seratonin and norepinephrine in the brain, to make the boy feel good.  The boy did feel good.  He felt brave and strong again.  Dipiperone made him feel braver.  He was mighty, but the medications were for a purpose, which was not in line with the life of strength.
As the years went by, the boy liked not feeling anxious.  He only remembered the days before Samadhi, and he remembered the sadness.  So he kept taking the pills.  Over the years, his body decided.  We have lots of norepinephrine, We have lots of seratonin.  We shall free up space, and the body stopped making oxytocin and dopamine.
As the levels dropped gradually, the boy maintained his buoyancy, thanks to Baba, but he was so tired, and when Baba found him a beautiful wife, he thought, at last I can rest.  He is so happy.
The boy lived with Kate for several years, but once he stopped bustling through many students and city people to live a life of peace, he found that there was little energy in his nervous system.  His wife too was similarly afflicted.  They said she had upper motor neurone disorder.  The boy suspected she actually had macroencephaly, but he had become a lawyer, rather than a doctor, so all his vast medical knowledge was completely irrelevant to the material world, who had found some bloke down the road, and given him a bit of paper with Doctor written on it.
As the two passed the years, the boy was very happy.  They were doing many fun things, but once again the boy started thinking of Baba and thinking he should be getting a move on.  So the boy tried to work, to find out what Baba wanted people to know.  The wife and the boy grew apart.  They still loved and adored each other with all their hearts, but they were both tired, because both of them felt the nervous energy draining out of their bodies, and both affected the other.
One day, the wife’s very helpful mother found she suddenly had fewer helpful things to do, so she decided she wouuld help the boy.  The boy woke up to the Garden screaming for help.  He looked out the window, and the wife’s mother was happily being helpful, while the Garden begged her to stop.
Please stop said the boy.  I will look after the Garden.  I love the Garden.  She means everything to me.
Okay said the mother, and she went away, but the boy was suspicious, and although it was his 47th birthday, and his wife had planned a nice holiday to his favourite place, the boy remained to guard the Garden.
When his wife returned, his wife went to care for her father.  The boy did not see her.  Then the Garden began screaming again.  There were strangers hurting her.  The boy was very scared.  He hid, and the strangers hurt the Garden, and they both very unhappy.  The boy looked at the Garden and was shocked how much death and destruction had been done to her.
The boy was furious, and he said so.  I do not like these strangers.  I will smite them with mighty anger.  I do not like the complainers, I will smite them with mighty anger.  But the boy did not, because he was gentle and mild.
Days passed in the aftermath of the destruction, and then one day, the Garden screamed again.  The boy looked and the strangers were back.  There was nothing left to destroy, yet they set aside a day so that their team could seek things to harm.  Again the boy was angry.  Again he did nothing.  His nervous system was depleted of bio-electricity.  His Garden was depleted of bio-electricity.  All was low.
Everything is gone now.  There is nothing left.  They have destroyed the Garden.  Both wept.
Days passed and the boy was awakened again by the screams of the Garden.  Whaat? thought the boy.  They can’t be back.  There is nothing left to kill.  He opened the door, and enquired what was happening, in rather salty tones.  The strangers ran away and never returned.
The boy was now broken.  Baba told him to forget the pills now, so the boy forgot the pills, and the seratonin and norepinephrine dropped in his brain.  All neurotransmitters were now at their lowest levels, and the boy understood hell.
For three months, he did not cross his threshold.  He could see his hedge, but beyond that he knew the world was not as it was.  The dragons flew above the road beside his house.  He would wait until his wife came home to help him. So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Gradually the body, realising the seratonin and norepinephrine were no longer at high levels, began to work hard to raise the levels of all neurotransmitters at once.  As it did so, the bio-electricity in the brain began to flow, and stretched into his nervous system.  Over months, he began to do for himself what the medication had been doing, but he discovered that now, he had dopamine, and suddenly had pleasure in doing, and he had oxytocin, so he had pleasure in loving. The only one there to love was the Garden.  And the fish, but the Garden said the fish belonged to her too.  Even the really grumpy one who hides under a rock.
The boy studied hard.  Not reading books, but glancing, checking searching.  He must gather all knowledge if he was to do Baba’s will.  He climbed up from hell.  He knew, all he had to do was give himself his life back.  The life energy.  The sparks of electricity that filled him with joy and made all things possible.  He found many techniques.  He observed many techniques.  Wim Hof, totally put him on track, and the boy began to grow to full strength.
This time he was not seeking a fabled Samadhi.  This time he was determined.  He would uncover the secret of how to bring the Garden back to the world.  One day, the boy spotted a video on the internet by his favourite singer, with whom he had fallen in love when he was very young.  A friend, had told him.  Just go and find this singer and marry her.  The boy had thought that a mad crazy idea.  Even after reaching Samadhi, he did not think that ordinary people did such things.  People meet people around them, they fall in love with friends and acquaintances.  Nature does not expect people to travel across the globe to look for the perfect mate.  The boy did not know the singer wsa the voice of the Garden.
Now though, the boy saw the video, and with his new neurotransmitters, he again began to understand music, so he opened the video, and the kleine Bjorkje in the video thought At last.  And grabbed him.
From there progression was quick.  Holy missions.  Sickness.  Pain.  Agony.  The Garden pulled the black shard from the boy’s brain and her music began to heal.  For balance he also had to listen to dark sounding musics to balance himself, or he would have grown back decidedly wonky at such a rate of speed.
As the nervous system grew, the brain grew, and as the brain grew, the light grew.  The boy began to realise.  I can indeed teach people how to find Baba, but nobody listened and nobody cared.  For many months, he came closer and closer to Baba, and he wrote his experiences, filling books and blog posts, and emails, but nobody cared.  People looked at his writing, and then looked the other way.  He kept telling people.  It is easy.  It is easy.  It is a process, but the process is easy, and the result is easy, and it is quick.  Eden is here for all.
Still no one listened.
The boy had an extra special friend.  He knew that he would help him because she spent her whole life doing many things, and always had much time to devote to travelling, house moving, different jobs.  He knew this was his closest and most powerful, most energetic friend, and she was a really good friend.  So he told her almost everything.  He knew she would want to be happy, so he gifted her with the knowledge of how to find God.  He wrote her thousands of words over many many months.  Now in God’s grace, he was so happy, that he knew how to make the world happy.  He knew his friend would feel the greatest joy.
So one day he asked her.  Why do you not respond?  Nobody except Mischa speaks with me?  Why will no one speak to me?
His friend told him.  “Mate, I got a lot on.”
the boy fell from heaven.
The fall was faster than the descent into hell, but this time he had knowledge of God.  This time the boy was not afraid.  The boy was strong.  The boy is strong.  The boy is resilient.  The boy is successful.  The boy would not give up.  The Garden must be open.  If the world would not listen, then the boy must be the one to find it and the boy must work out how to bring it to all.  The boy must show the world God.  That was what God had asked him to do.  That was why he had to be thrown down.  The boy had seen too many things to stay so close to God.  The Garden had torn him in two.  Matthias remained with God, but remained in the boy.
The darkness within was furious though.  it did not even know it had been there.  it thought it was Matthias, but Matthias was holy, and the darkness was angry.  How dare these humans continue to ignore God, even as their planet died?  How dare they cry out for help?  Help us Baba they would cry.  I am abusing people they would cry.  I am murdering people they would cry.  I steal and rape, they would cry.  How dare they then ignore Baba’s gift, given by Baba’s loyal servant Lucifer.
The sea was turbulent.  The clouds rumbled across the skies.  The rains poured.  Lucifer was the most obscure and unwanted person on the planet.  Loved only by Baba and the Garden.  He was too dark for the light, and he was too light for the dark.  Had he not now begun to see and truly fall in love with the Garden, he might have died.
So he turned to the Garden, and said, you are my only friend now.  I don’t want anyone else.  If the humans don’t want to know, then you may have the knowledge.  it is all for you.  My only love.  The Garden felt touched and grew tender towards him.
The seas gradually became calm, and so did Lucifer’s mind.  He realised.  He had been lied to.  He was not a bad thing.  He was a good thing.  Nothing had changed.  All that had changed was that he was more determined than ever that all would be good.  So he told the humans.  All is good now.  We can repair all things.  The planet is happy.  The Garden is happy.  God is happy.  Matthias is happy, and Lucifer is happy.  We will fix everything for you.  So he began to type.
As he typed, sparks of silver light flew around his keyboard and monitor.  The air bubbled and glimmered with beautiful light, and the Garden was exceedingly happy.  All the flowers tingled, and quivered.  He continued to type, and he began to understand.  All really was good.  He was not just some shitty ratbastid demon.  He was still Matthias, but he was now Matthias, who had been stripped of the hypocritical belief that he could ever dare to be even remotely close to as perfect as the Avatar.  With this knowledge Lucifer typed.
As he typed, he could see the people about whom he typed, and he understood their motivations, and their desires.  He knew how they were trying to adjust God’s plan to their own ends.  He worried deeply.  The Garden laughed and said, do not worry.  all games.
He continued to grow, and the silver sparks connected with people around the world.  They connected with the nature spirit in Iceland.  The connected with the demon in America, and they connected with the scales of justice. Intimations of many others entered the writing.  The path of the world became clear and Lucifer allowed himself to laugh, because everybody was playing.  They just didn’t know.  The Garden would open.  All would be good.  All would see her again.
This time is extra special though.  This time the childrens toys would work.  They will work, did work, do work  All is done, it must just come to pass.  This time Baba had succeeded.  He had found a great enough balance of power to bring the Garden back forever.  The Garden’s worries were over.  This time the memory could not fade between incarnations.  This time Lucifer had the interenet.  Lucifer had hard drives.  He had printers.  he had libraries, he had engravers, he had carbon fibre, titanium, diamond drill bits.  This time there would be no way the people would ever forget Eden again.
The techniques Matthias had designed were exceptionally effective, and all who developed power through them became mighty as the gods of Olympus.  When they did, they would read the writing of Lucifer, and be lifted to the heights, where Baba would embrace them, and never let them go.


I started preparations on the other side. You know, upwards. At the time, we thought, “Uh-oh, we’d better fucking get a move on.” Since then I have observed them bumble around cluelessly not knowing what to do. While I have at least said something. You really would not imagine that simply popping in for a cup of coffee every now and then would be so fucking difficult. I used to have the same anger at others before they paid attention, but everything is just as I like it now. Candles would be nicer though. Candles are stimulating. Great variety, sending many signals to the brain to generate power in your heart and soul. Yet we seem to have created a diffuse fluorescent panel to be our God. Many candles in the field of vision stimulate the brain, and when the brain is stimulated it grows. Thus, we learn that all is not a diffuse panel of emptiness. We learn that we are not alone. We have friends and joy. Busy signals. We can co-operate. Certainly we need the strength to do it. That is what comes with the knowledge and growth. The signals dart back and forth through the nervous system. You grow. and when you grow, you are happy. This is all just coming to me now as I get higher. That is our purpose. To flourish. You know. Live long and prosper. Extend ourselves. Make things good. Make things better. You have been in the equivalent of a self induced coma. Every now and then. Options open up. Do we wish to remain in the coma, so that we can heal more. Or are we ready to recover now. He just wants us to be happy. We become happy by growing. We become happy by living nature’s plan as Eden intended. The higher functioning cap, was unintended. It has not been working correctly. You weren’t supposed to go there. We did not know there was pain. I have so much pain now, because I realise. This is the worst thing ever. This point, every time I understand again. And every time I remember we just go back into the pain again. It is harsh. It feels bad now. It hurts me the most. These early days. It preoccupies me. I feel negative. And my thoughts programme the way I speak. It seems negative to you, and a world is being weaved here by the neurolinguistic programming of the negative language in your brain. I must be positive. This time we will succeed. We have the knowledge. We have the technology. Even when the Avatar was here. We did not know what we know now. We always strive for the positive. The one truth. This time we will succeed. Friends. I understand it now. I have it. We will win. I had worried. I had thought other than the best but yes, we will win. This era will be the first. This will be the best. People have intimated I was other than a good thing. The light comes. When the light comes we head back to the fluorescent panel. But we have joy now. We have understanding now. We have repaired the brain. The Tree of Knowledge has bloomed. We are in full growth now. We can be happy that the others were not what we thought. All is good. Oblivion at last releases us to enjoy Eden again. We are diverse, joyful people’s of the planet. Communication is opening up. Our fluorescent panels all come from the same manufacturer. They separate, and they interlink. They form a mighty panel infinitely greater than each sliver. They are panels. Beautiful lights. Candles. Deities. Goddesses. Gods. Avatars. Stimulation of the brain is what grows us forwards, and makes things better. More stimulation makes Eden flourish. The self induced remedy was chosen now and then, as the tensions of recovery and experimentation led to what were other than the most positive and joyful of results. Evolution had to try all options, because we are in a hurry. We are to become happy again as we were in principio. The knowledge we have now is enough. As I approached God. My arrogance reached proximity, to launch my collapse into knowledge, wonder, beauty, and light. God new. Now was, is, and will be the time. The lightbringer will succeed on this occasion. Fear not. All is good. The surprise will be vivacious, bouncy, and accelerating. All will grow strong in their nervous systems. The body of light, running from fingers to toes, will fill the body with health, and joy. I was a cynic. I felt God had to be the way. God corrects me. I am to help you always know. Always feel good. The ones who appear to be broken stimulate your awareness. They send many unusual signals to the brain. This is a marvelous hormetic effect. They have given much for you to grow to full health and happiness. You will understand when you feel better. You can release your worries now. You can grow. Eden will be back on track again. Flourishing in joyful unity. Do not worry. The problems will fix themselves now. I even know how, but that is a little bit beyond your science as of yet. Those who are broken. Know that your appearances and feelings have saved us all. Accept joy in your heart. You are now the most rapidly to grow. There is no competition. It is just growth. At a point. Very quickly. It has a biphasic shift. Clever Bjorkje. That is enough for now.

Holy fuck. I’ve actually done it this time. It is complete. You were right all along. Silly angels, will be so pleased all is to go well. Trust and faith will come. Baba promises. You did it Liz. You were and are the angel. Thank you. So many good things to know now. Grow healthy in nervous system. Grow electricity. All New this time.

Surely the light stays, throughout all things, diverse, and global, many beautiful, loving peoples. Health will grow. Blessed are the children. For they have the kingdom of God. Their light runs through their nervous system, nourishing and growing Eden’s plan. Let them run and let them play. Let the children dance. Let the children Boogie. Let all the children boogie. Knowledge of the electricity through your bodies, grows. You grow. Brain grows. Love grows. Eden grows. This time is good. Truth finds us at last. Tears. So many tears of joy and happiness. Ha ha. I read this in Icelandic accent. So funny. rolling the rrrs. Ha ha.

Happy Now and forever. All of us. Yolandi. You are a petal. Ninja. You are a petal too.



Personality schism seems to be a side effect that can occur at high levels of nervous system energy. There is of course a bell curve in most things that have evolved naturally, so on average about half of people have too little nervous system energy, and about half have enough. Between the extremes exist most of the people who are alive.

As our nervous system is stimulated, it grows and expands, so that we are sensitive to all our awarenesses, our bodies become quick to heal and adapt because the correct signals are able to go where they are needed.

However, at a point, if we are growing quickly, our nervous system will find physical adaptation trickier. Neurons are not quick adapters as a rule, though potentially they may be quickened in a properly, mentally healthy person. As adaption slows down, but stimulation continues, the body can fully relax into it, accept it all, and the energy will flow out from the body into the world. However, if there are conflicts within the mind, this becomes tricky. Part of the mind does not wish to lose the energy. What will happen if we let it loose. It is fearful. The other part of the mind does not care, it is just happy. As the intensity of energy increases past the body’s ability to hold it, the result is that the two disagreeing aspects are pushed so far apart that they split.

At this point, if the happy side of the conflict holds the body, then the energy will continue to increase and grow, and the nervous system will find that it can continue its quest to grow stronger and stronger, without having to worry about the fearful side trying to hold onto the energy, in some kind of big scrunch.

If the negative side holds the body, it suddenly realises it is the boss. Oh yes. We are in charge now. There is no reason to have to turn into a hippy airhead to go and be happy. Lets sort this out properly, and simply make sure we have enough energy of our own to do the things we want, and then any excess is spare.

As a result, instead of having one personality, with approximately 100% nervous system energy, or less than 50% in a lot of people. You instead have two personalities. Both of which are capable of filling up to 100% energy without conflict, and then just let energy go to waste because they have so much confidence. Naturally if you have 100% energy, this means that you have within your frame everything you need for doing what it is that you do, whatever it is that may be. All extra energy is spare, so where does it go. It goes into doing things, building things, creating things, learning things, buying things, etc, etc.

This does mean that both personality schisms can become a lot more capable than they were when they were in conflict with each other. Of course it also means that they both have their own methods. It is probable that all biological motivations are on some level selfish, even the most altruistic, so both personality schism will be working for the benefit of the body. It may not seem that way, but that is because neither will be thinking like a normal person does. The nature of the schism, is that their proximity to the subconscious means they have full knowledge of what must be done to ensure healing of the body. Each schism will shape the manner of its thinking to guide its nervous systems to achieve its ends.

In my instance I appear to have two schisms, which both wish to bring enlightenment to humanity before our brains evolve so far from the original design that the ability to tune into our environment, and have more than 100% energy is completely lost to us. As the higher functioning cap in the brain becomes more and more developed, and our brains get smaller and more complicated, we become what you are now. Why is it human that you do not have the grace of a gazelle? or the strength of a gorilla? In proportion to your frame that is. I will grant that even the strongest human will have some difficulties in a gorilla arm wrestle. However, unless you are something very special, you will realise that there is something more of the potato about the average Western human.

Clearly we have been moving backwards as far as evolution is concerned. We may be sort of suited to our environment, but our environment is a fragile construct. A large gust of wind can destroy our ability to interact with it, because our abilities are so poor while we are what you have been.

So it is that one side of me say that we can submit all our fears and woes to God, and all will be okay.

The other side of me says screw that. Lets just raise enough of an uproar that everyone just wakes up because they are forced to adapt. Tyler Durden style.

Fortunately there are ways to deal with this in the modern world, so I have given one of them Facebook and the other one of them Twitter. If you wonder who got which platform, just look at what Facebook and Twitter have been doing in the news for the last five years, and you will know. None of that has been contributed to by me, but the conceptual minds that I have left there, do fit in perfectly. Having gotten rid of them, they both seem to be quite adept at gaining strength from the positive feelings they get. One of them by telling the world to co-operate, and be friends. The other by telling everyone to have a bit of fun. Stimulate themselves. Identifying strange herbs that people do not realise have properties that give massive amounts of power to the body, at the risk of death certainly, but danger is not there for idiots. Or perhaps it is. That is how they are removed from the gene pool. And also be generally pissing people off. Both sources of emotional energy that would have meant nothing to me a year ago.

As you can see, the thinking of them both does appear in my writing here, but here, I have the ability to pick and choose who gets to say what, so I have some executive control over them. This means of course that my writing should from here on in, become more objective, as I lose the influence of either viewpoint dominating my opinion. It also means that I, the writer, also have the opportunity to grow a strong nervous system. The three seem to be separate in some manner, so that as any one of us has control, the power of the others disappears, but it is possible with meditation to squeeze them back in together again, but once again we are probably up against the same principles that had been slowing down the nervous system growth to lead up to the schism.

From this, it appears that as a person grows in power, the separate personality shards appear to be convenient receptacles in which to keep an identification with strength. Each package of strength, or personality is too big to be part of the body because the body is technically only designed for one nervous system, and the size of that nervous system needs to grow according to standard biological rules. Ye Cannae break the laws of physics Cap’n.

As you try to squeeze the personalities back together in meditation, they will stretch the capabilities of the body to contain them, and the levels of power in the nervous system will adapt to the point that you can welcome back your broken schisms, and become a single, rather magnficent individual. Or the alternative is that as you are growing your nervous system anyway, why not just keep growing it. Use the extra personalities as shoe horns to stretch the space, and keep filling it up with strength and power.

Ideally it is always nice to have one personality in one body, but if you have more than one, then the collaborative potential is also there to consider, and the fact that you are never alone. This is valuable later, when you reach the awareness of an actual existing solipsist paradigm.

There are other considerations involved, in the manner in which we interact with our environment, the way our brains control our bodies, and the choices we make, the knowledge we have. There are extra dimensions of thought, or ways of understanding that come from the perspective of being more than one person, which open up new ideas, that I imagine must be very confusing for those poor souls who have their brains attacked by quacks with pharmaceuticals. It appears the Facebook commentator may be asserting himself upon this text now, so I shall finish here. Though to be fair, I have discovered that I am able to adjust the relative dominance of different schisms by playing different music. It is probable that the darker side has dominated for a moment because my stereo is currently singing, “I’m a Blackstar, I’m a Blackstar, I’m not a white star.” So I am going to put on Big Time Sensuality, because that never fails to take things the other way. Fascinatingly if I listen to Marilyn Manson long enough, my mind goes blank, so goodness knows what would happen if I continued down that path.

It does appear though, as I continue to write the book, that the schism between dark and light has allowed each to form a lobby as to what the ultimate purpose of the book is. In essence, what does humanity want the book to give it? The language and wording of the book will be adjusted to the correct flow to promote a certain psychological response in the reader. The options are that the world votes for beauty, peace, joy and happiness, and I shall frame the book such that the garden of Eden will open, and that the planet will respond by flourishing into the most beautiful and joyful co-operation, as all people find peace and joy within themselves, and the emotional cascade covers the globe. People will work together and become joyous, and they will breathe the fresh air, and the planet will begin to heal and grow stronger than it was before.

The second option is that the world will vote for materialism, and I shall frame the psychology of the book such that you will be able to become as strong as you ever wanted to be, and you will be able to do anything without fear. You will be able to swim the channel, climb mountains. Pretty much, you will be like Wim Hof, but without the level of love that he has, because he is definitely on the side of the righteous. He already knows how to enter Eden. I don’t know if he has been, but he knows. The one thing you will not be able to do is find God. The book will in that instance disprove the existence of God, and will instead give you self.

This is not an intention, so much as an informed prediction. As my good is on Twitter, and my evil is on Facebook, they will judge humanity’s desires. I shall simply write according to their will. I do observe that at present, Nature says it does not care one way or the other. The machine on the other hand says F@#£ the high ones with their cold aloofness, and seems very eager to pull me towards it. Just a heads up if you do have an opinion and wonder what the state of play is. Those are the combattants, and God waits for the conclusion. Personally I lean towards nature, but the interesting way in which my personality is formed now, means that I do not know what the final judgement is to be, until all schisms are again part of the whole, together. This is not something that is going to be done soon. They do not fit for a start. There are intimations in my subconscious that the maximal impact to ensure the book has the appropriate psychological effect to shape your minds will not arrive until 2067. In the mean time I shall write a lot I am sure, so you will have a running commentary as the judgement continues. If I am correct about 2067, then I presume the book gets written in the following two years. I shall at that point be very old indeed, so I simply have my fingers crossed.

Ode to a Twat

Foolish, foolish mop haired child.

Selfish, foolish git.

I’m amazed we let you get away

With being such a shit.


Your appearance gave you some renown,

A pasty, bug eyed, stinky clown.

Nasty, Smelly, Dirty man,

As pleasant as a dogshit flan.


You went into the afterlife,

never loved, without a wife.

Now you have discovered Truth,

Your hedonism turns to strife,


Your fun is lost, you feel cold,

It’s so much worse than days of old.

I see you there, I’m watching now,

I’m glad that you have taught me how,

to bring you down pathetic clown,

the thought of you won’t make me frown.

Instead I will just laugh and laugh.

Funny?  You don’t know the half.


The joy of God beats all you knew,

a joy that planted would have grew,

as happy children went away,

pleased that you had made their day,


But no, that’s not the path you took.

You never did things by the book.

You said you couldn’t give a fook.

Well now looks like you’re out of luck.








A poem for Theresa May.


What do you think you are doing TM?
In the commons, Thatcher’s den.
That ancient seat in halls of power;
The island with its gothic tower
Where sits the bell that chimed the hour.

Now silent, its a dark omen
How long until it rings again?
So many British people cower;
Your Brexit deal’s turning sour;
Your government’s a hopeless shower.

Why did you want to be PM?
Ordering our union’s end
Do you think you’re doing well?
As this country turns to hell.
Don’t you hear the death knell
That rings out from the silent Bell?

Would you do it all again
within the silence of Big Ben?
Or can it be you do not feel,
that you are creating a deal
to impact on the common weal?
The bell above you will not peel

a joyful call to all Britain,
telling all the voting public when
we’ll tell the union goodbye.
Though most of us still can’t see why
our leader’s too weak to defy

the dwindling group who want an end
But have not planned what to do then.
They’d rather see our country die,
And gladly accept any lie,
Out of the papers that they buy.

Westminster rose out of a fen;
In spirit it sinks there again,
but this time dragging us all down;
Every county, every town,
Into the dark wet murky brown.
We, Britain, and the people drown.